Meaning in Creation

I hold to the six-day creation account of Genesis 1. The all-powerful, all-knowing, eternal God designed and built the entire universe and all living things according to His own sovereign wishes (Job 38-39). God chose to make things however He wanted – He was not bound by preexisting laws of physics or supply of energy and ...

Old Linksys Router as Wireless Bridge for Wired IP Phone

My work-from-home phone is an IP phone that requires a wired ethernet connection. Unfortunately I don’t have network cables run from my gateway to the room where I work. My desktop connects to the network via a USB WiFi adapter. To get my phone connected, a colleague showed me a trick of using Windows 10’s ...

The Daily Grind 1

We recently watched “It’s a Wonderful Life”. It’s been a bunch of years and the movie felt far more poignant now that I’m at a different stage of life and getting older. The main character George Bailey starts off with big dreams that the responsibilities of life repeatedly shoot down. The moral of the movie ...