Meaning in Creation

I hold to the six-day creation account of Genesis 1. The all-powerful, all-knowing, eternal God designed and built the entire universe and all living things according to His own sovereign wishes (Job 38-39). God chose to make things however He wanted – He was not bound by preexisting laws of physics or supply of energy and ...

Old Linksys Router as Wireless Bridge for Wired IP Phone

My work-from-home phone is an IP phone that requires a wired ethernet connection. Unfortunately I don’t have network cables run from my gateway to the room where I work. My desktop connects to the network via a USB WiFi adapter. To get my phone connected, a colleague showed me a trick of using Windows 10’s ...

The Daily Grind 1

We recently watched “It’s a Wonderful Life”. It’s been a bunch of years and the movie felt far more poignant now that I’m at a different stage of life and getting older. The main character George Bailey starts off with big dreams that the responsibilities of life repeatedly shoot down. The moral of the movie ...

Bravo, Brave!

I’ve been using Brave browser beta as my default web browser for a few years now, since hearing about it on the The Changelog Podcast. I’d been a die-hard Firefox fan for years before (and I still use if for my web development work) mostly because I liked the idea that Firefox wasn’t after my ...

Is It Really Love?

This Sunday morning in our church worship service, our pastor continued his series on Galatians, moving into chapter 5 verses 22-23. This talks about the fruit of the Spirit, starting with love. In expanding what this selfless “agape” love is like, the pastor asked us to consider how we love those who we don’t naturally ...

Lesson Learned: Don’t Make Eye-Contact!

Yesterday I attended the annual Boxing Day conference hosting by Cambridge OCRC. Despite the fact that it wasn’t on the 26th this year it was still profitable and fun. Usually we take a quick tour of the mall during the time allotted for dinner, which we did again this year. As we were briskly marching ...

Convert Writer Rich Text to BB Code

I’m part of a little writing group forum. It’s been a good experience to push myself to put down my ideas and also receive valuable feedback from other (more skilled) writers. I have so many ideas but I don’t like to start writing something unless I’m committeed to getting it done, so this group has been a ...

StarCraft II Beta Installation

On the morning of the 19th I was checking my email on my Touch Pro and saw I received an email from “SC2betaUS”. ?! I’d signed up for the beta of StarCraft II but had basically given up hope (my system didn’t meet the specs anyway). But sure enough, it was a bona fide invite ...

Ard Throws It Down on Home Turf

Quite apparently I’ve not been doing anything on my website lately. When I do feel like addressing cyberspace I tend to just spit out a blurb on Facebook or Twitter. Anywho… Since the fateful disappearance of our cat Buzz, years back, our cats have a curfew. No more all-night partying. Telum has mostly grown out ...

Change of Hosting

I’m moving both my domain name,, and web hosting to Cirrus Logic. Thus there may be some downtime here until everything is fully moved over. [update – d23]OK, so the domain name transfer finally went through and the DNS is pointing to Cirrus. I’m uploading images now but I probably won’t have time to ...