Stable Diffusion Generation: Elf in a Tree

Stable Diffusion Generation: Elf in a Tree
Let’s make a picture of a stylish elven man perched in a tree high above an ancient forest! Here’re the initial txt2img generation parameters, in Stable Diffusion Webui: Prompt: an elven warrior crouching on a huge tree branch, white hair, looking over shoulder, looking at camera, forest far below, towering trees, (moss:0.7), ornate clothes, ancient ...

Stable Diffusion Generation: Android

Stable Diffusion Generation: Android
I worked on a headshot of an android with Stable Diffusion Webui. I wanted it to look quite human but with some features that were a bit off, like panels and plastic-y skin (think Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation). So I started with a regular person. The setting is at night in the ...

Stable Diffusion Generation: Girl on Dock

Stable Diffusion Generation: Girl on Dock
I wanted to create a more emotional image with Stable Diffusion Webui and thought of a sad girl sitting at the edge of a dock, with her feet hanging down and a sad expression. Usually it’s hard to get Stable Diffusion to compose both the scene and a figure together in a very specific way. ...

Stable Diffusion Generation: Stormy Castle

Stable Diffusion Generation: Stormy Castle
I was experimenting with a more flat, animated style in Stable Diffusion using various models. Clouds are fascinating and storm clouds are even better. Add in some rugged mountains and a white castle, all at sunset, and that sounds like fun! After some tinkering with models and prompts I founds a generation batch that looked ...

Stable Diffusion Generation: Cliffside Castle

Stable Diffusion Generation: Cliffside Castle
I love rugged terrain so I thought I’d try generating a castle built into a towering mountain, going for an angle looking down from high elevation. I figured Stable Diffusion would struggle with the concept of both the castle and the mountain and the angle so I started with generating a number of images of ...

AI Image Generation with Stable Diffusion

AI Image Generation with Stable Diffusion
Lately I’ve been enthralled with AI image generation, specifically Stable Diffusion. The idea is that you have a model that relates text to images. The tool generates noise and refines it over steps into an image that relates to the prompt. I’d previously signed up for the beta access to DALL·E 2 and got to ...