Merry Christmas!

A Dark and Stormy Knight

When I was out this morning I thought “Snow in the morning, huh. Ya, sure…” But then it started snowing and didn’t really let up. I went to the office early and left early. The roads were pretty snowy but the blowing snow was the greater trouble. Due to the conditions our church‘s Christmas Programme ...

Techies and Games — A Recipe for Success 1

After breakfast I enjoy my coffee while reading the latest news. Not the paper, mind you. I’m talking RSS feeds in Firefox. I subscribe to PC World Latest Technology News, Engadget, and New Scientist – Online News. I was reading an article on PC World titled Techies and Games — A Recipe for Success by Tom ...

How Broadband Changed My Life

We’ve had broadband Internet access for almost a month now. It rocks! My only complaint is that there have been occasional spots of downtime (usually not more than a few minutes) and I can’t get to our router from the “cloud” via an IP address (our “modem” is a point inside Silonet’s network). But for ...

First Good Snowfall of Winter 2008

Yesterday and last night it snowed quite a bit and this morning I woke up to the first white landscape this winter. It isn’t a practical response but seeing all the fresh snow makes me quite excited. I hope that kid in me never dies. I’m thankful that I live in a climate that receives ...

Finally: Broadband Internet Access!! w00t!

We finally have broadband Internet access!! For years we’ve been hoping Bell would provide DSL along our road but we’d pretty much given up hope on that. Then near the beginning of 2008 a company put underground cabling down our road, under contract to Rogers. Of course the font-line Rogers salespeople knew nothing about it. ...

Telum Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

Back on October 9 the eldest feline in the household, Telum, dragged himself inside after sundown looking rather beat up, introspective, and a tad sheepish. The fur under his neck was tore up, he had some puncture on the top of his head, and his ear had blood splatters in it. He leaked a bit ...

Saving YouTube Videos

I found that it is actually very easy to save YouTube videos as files, using Internet Explorer 7. This is particularily helpful for dial-up users since loading up YouTube each time you want to replay a certain video is a pain. Here are instructions for the process: When you’ve got a good chunk of available Internet time (like overnight), ...

The Fire Doesn’t Care If You Sort First

Maybe I just don’t love the environment enough. This morning I had the duty / responsibility / joy(?) of compiling the recyclables into the recycle bin. Normally my sister does this task while I just carry the load to the roadside for pickup. Boy, I never knew it was so much work to sort everything! ...

July Recap and webcamFLV

July was wet. And pretty busy for me. I’m not sure if August will be wet (I sure hope it is dry for at least two weeks) but I know I’ll be even busier. Various July highlights: Prompted by some hard disk drive errors I disassembled Hal, blew the dust out, and plugged him back ...