Comment on this (1 so far) y2004m12d23 - Mom often gives baked goods as Christmas gifts. Mmmm! She and Rachel have been making all kinds of tasty things in the kitchen. Not all of it is being given away, so I'll be enjoying some too. | Comment on this (0 so far) y2004m12d23 - I bought Relient K's Christmas album, Deck the Halls, Bruise Your Hand back in November and promised myself not to listen to it until December. I managed to keep that promise and have been listening to it since the start of December (well, not quite *every* day since). I played it while we setup the Christmas tree. Ah, nothing like some Christmas music to set the tone. Old classics with a new punk rock twist! -_^ But seriously they do have a mix of calm and vigorous. |
Comment on this (0 so far) y2004m12d23 - While the tree was being setup by the rest of us, Dad put together this little thing where metal angels spin around from candle heat and ding bells. The constant, cheery dinging is part of the whole Sissons Christmas experience. | Comment on this (0 so far) y2004m12d23 - Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree! How lifeless are your branches! Yes, the sad truth is that our tree is fake this year. We couldn't find a place that sold real ones. At least it can't die. Why, we could leave it up till March! |
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| Comment on this (0 so far) y2004m12d23 - Beware, those that would take a gift from under the tree before the day appointed! A dangerous creature doth lurk in the shadows, waiting with keen eye and ear. OK, so it is just Telum. And the flash made the dark lair look rather un-sinister. But you get the idea. |
Comment on this (0 so far) y2004m12d23 - Speaking of Telum, he is into perching atop the box containing our Young Peoples' song books. | |
Comment on this (0 so far) y2004m12d23 - "So, those humans think they are in charge around here, huh? I'm actually the brains of the operation. May my reign be long and decadent - all hail King Telum!" | Comment on this (0 so far) y2004m12d23 - Telum has been trained to sit on our laps. Normally he won't for long but I was in front of the heater here so that has a draw for Telum. The flash made his eyes white so I added the pupils. He, he, what a dopey looking cat! |
Comment on this (0 so far) y2004m12d23 - This image isn't for the faint of heart. Telum has been slowly but brutally tearing this innocent victim to pieces. We have tried getting him to stop chewing on this victim and others of its kind, but the urge must be built into Telum's cruel nature. |