The pen, er, keyboard, is mightier than the sword! That's the saying anyway. Here are a few of my jottings.
Note - this could be considered a bit gruesome. A while back I was reading a book that compared Jesus' teaching in Matt. 5:29-30 ("if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you;") to a story of a man whose hand was trapped by a rock out in the wilderness. He was forced to cut off his own hand in order to escape. Anyways, this made me want to write a song using the analogy of being trapped by one's right hand, and that hand representing one's sinful nature. "Killing" the sinful nature is tough stuff but we've gotta be brutal. I got the inspiration to start writing during my week at Rock Sands cottage (the place is great for inspiration!) I don't have a tune in mind yet, but I've pretty much got the lyrics down. The song style would probably be along the lines of Project 86 (think "A Shadow on Me" mixed with "Spy Hunter"). As for the ending, well, ya, that could be adjusted as necessary.
In today's society of the fashion of less I respect the girls who fight the flow and wear modest attire. This poem is for them.
My sis and I wrote this for Talent Night at the 2005 OCRC young people conference hosted by the Lynden YP out in Washington, US. We rapped it to a little hip hop track I built. I was mighty nervous and shaking and didn't do nearly as well as I'd hoped but it was still fun.
Based on Jer. 6:14-20 This song was inspired by a sermon I heard at the Sunday service we attended in La'Mable, during our Rock Sands cottage week. I've got chunks of its tune in mind. The music and vocal style would be similar to Project 86 or Pillar - a mixture of singing and shouting with heavy music. (I've included notes of some of the dynamics.)
This is actually a rap and not really completed yet. But here's what I've got so far.
I've been inspired a few times to write a poem showing the fighting race of the Christian walk. This poem didn't really fulfill that inspiration completely but it does give a bit of an idea of our struggle.
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