Merry Christmas!

“Light of the world,You stepped down into darkness…”May you have a blessed Christmasand a happy New Year.Chris

I’m on Twitter

As of August 22, 2009 I’ve been on Twitter. You can find me at I originally signed up just to see what Twitter was about. I didn’t intend to post regularly. In the past month or so I’ve been posting Tweets more frequently, focusing more on technology rather than personal news. I figure Twitter ...

Dollar for a Drink Challenge

I’m currently enjoying my first coffee in a week. This is for a different reason then my previous “coffee break”. Our church’s young people group is studying Do Hard Things and after the last lesson Kate challenged us to drink only water (for beverage – we could still eat!) for a week. Then for the ...

Lest We Forget

This morning I attended the Remembrance Day service in Newcastle. I heard there has been a greater turn-out this year in the GTA, perhaps due to grim reminders we’ve been receiving all too often of the death of another soldier in Afghanistan. So our memories turn to recent events in addition to those from many ...

Summer Catch-up

It’s pretty much been forever since I’ve updated anything here. In terms of photos, I have been doing some work on a new photo viewer as I dislike the user-unfriendly interface in place now. However, the new viewer is early in development and won’t be live for a while. I kinda wanted to wait until ...

HTC Touch Pro Tips and Fixes

(updated y2009m03d07) As I’ve been using my Touch Pro Pocket PC phone with Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, I’ve come across different things I’d like it to do which it doesn’t do by default, or little bugs that need to be ironed out. I thought I’d post those here and add to it as necessary. Maybe ...

Beat Portal: Amazing Game!

At Christmas I was pleasantly surprised to receive The Orange Box from Dad (thanks!). This game deal of the century includes Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episodes 1 & 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2. I’m very fond of the Half-Life series, of which I previously purchased Half-Life Anthology (HL1, Blue Shift, Opposing Force, and Team Fortress ...

First Time Boarding This Winter

Last night I finally got some snowboarding time in. I heard that some of the gang heads to Kirby most Tuesday evenings so I thought I’d tag along. Snow conditions weren’t awesome but decent, and the weather really wasn’t very cold. During the first run of the season I always wonder how quickly I’ll find ...

Introducing “Nexus”, my HTC Touch Pro phone

It seems to good to be true, quite honestly. As of last Thursday evening I’m the joyful owner of a new HTC Touch Pro phone. As per my post back in June on what I want in a smartphone, I’d been keeping my eye on the Touch Pro and its eventual arrival in our fair ...

My YouTube Channel – TheKryptech

Now that we have broadband Internet access, I visit YouTube quite frequently. Yesterday I decided to create a YouTube account and post some videos. My channel can be found at  As of this moment there are only four cat videos but over time I’ll post more.