We finally have broadband Internet access!! For years we’ve been hoping Bell would provide DSL along our road but we’d pretty much given up hope on that. Then near the beginning of 2008 a company put underground cabling down our road, under contract to Rogers. Of course the font-line Rogers salespeople knew nothing about it. ...
Back on October 9 the eldest feline in the household, Telum, dragged himself inside after sundown looking rather beat up, introspective, and a tad sheepish. The fur under his neck was tore up, he had some puncture on the top of his head, and his ear had blood splatters in it. He leaked a bit ...
I found that it is actually very easy to save YouTube videos as files, using Internet Explorer 7. This is particularily helpful for dial-up users since loading up YouTube each time you want to replay a certain video is a pain. Here are instructions for the process: When you’ve got a good chunk of available Internet time (like overnight), ...
July was wet. And pretty busy for me. I’m not sure if August will be wet (I sure hope it is dry for at least two weeks) but I know I’ll be even busier. Various July highlights: Prompted by some hard disk drive errors I disassembled Hal, blew the dust out, and plugged him back ...
In the last month or so I’ve found myself becoming increasingly interested in getting a smartphone. At the real estate office I’ve had the opportunity to work with Palm Treos quite a bit over the years and, more recently, a variety of Blackberries too. There is nothing like unwrapping a fresh Blackberry to make one ...
I got my first ever tooth filling today. Due to my cheap nature and lack of dental pain I’d stretched it pretty long since my last checkup. Like a decade or so. But over the last year I’d begun to experience infrequent twinges. Something evil was stirring back in molarville. It was time to face ...
There is something a tad scary about getting your hair cut by a stranger without your glasses. The reflection in the mirror is so blurry that the hairdresser (correct term?) could be trimming your hair up to match her neighbour’s shrub and you wouldn’t have a clue. As I’m to be a groom’s man in ...
It is no secret; I drink a lot of coffee. However, it wasn’t until a week ago Sunday evening that I realized that I might be drinking too much (I’d never really thought that was possible). It wouldn’t be rare for me to have five mugs a day of the java juice. “Self,” I said ...
Pete and I went snowboarding at Kirby tonight. It was only my second time this season and my first time to Kirby. Shameful! Conditions were pretty good, thanks to a dump of snow yesterday. Though it was a bit windy at times overall the temperature wasn’t bad. Part way through the evening we met the ...
Happy Valentine’s Day to you all, especially those with significant others. I myself do not fall in that category but I thought I would instead share a few things that I love, a few moments that fill me with joy. Getting up a bit earlier than normal on a Saturday morning and enjoying a couple ...