Office Outing

I got the day off work, but I still had to be at the office at 9:00. You see, today we had our office Christmas outing. It was a pretty sweet deal, really. Our team has been growing over the last year and we’ve moved around a few times and are now ending the year ...

A Desktop and a Prodigal Cat

It’s been a busy day and what seemed like a busy week though when I look back I find it hard to point out what exactly made it feel busy… I guess one item was setting up a desktop for Aunt Beth. There are a bunch of old PCs scattered about in the basement (Mom’s ...

The Logical Choice

I was checking out the newest posts on Christian Anime Alliance and noticed a thread ‘SUPER cheap DVD’s at Right Stuf’. I’d been to Right Stuf before when shopping around for anime but hadn’t bought anything from them. When I checked out the sale “SUPER cheap” was right. I bought Last Exile vols 1, 3, ...

Rolling with Ubuntu

I’m posting this in Ubuntu, while listening to Becoming the Archetype from Rhythmbox Music Box (still getting used to it). Yep, I’ve got my modem working. It is a bit different editing text files to change settings instead of clicking checkboxes like in Windows. I learned how to edit the boot menu in GRUB too, ...

Encrypting File System Toasts My Oats

A bunch of years back I’d discovered that with Windows XP I could set ‘Encrypt’ and ‘Compress’ attributes for files. I thought this was cool since by compressing old video footage I could shrink down the space it needed. And I used the  ‘Encrypt’ attribute on my writings folder. It really wasn’t necessary ’cause who ...

Fun with Operating Systems

Ever since seeing Ubuntu (a Linux OS based on Debian) running on Ryan’s laptop, I’ve wanted to try installing it on my own machine. I got a Ubuntu 7.04 Live CD and tried that a while back but it kept locking up. A week back my Ubuntu 7.04 alternate install finished downloading. I moved all ...

Fall Family Conference

The second annual Family Fall Conference kicked off this past Friday evening. I was there, the lone representative of the Sissons family. My ride-bumming skills fell short so after an oil change and quick checkup the CRV was available for the ~1.9 hour trek. Like last year, the event was held at the Upper Canada ...

Prevvies Waste Precious Pages

I was nearing the end of the book, Exile, from the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series. The plot was tense and I was eager to see how the last couple chapters, still waiting under my right thumb, would turn out. As I was finishing a chapter I thought to myself, “Self, this seems ...

Out and About

August has been good. First we had our annual week at the cottage with the Vogel clan. It was probably the most relaxed year for me. I didn’t get much accomplished there but that wasn’t my intention. I had thought I might be inspired to write another poem while I was there (I was the ...

Variety Pac

There hasn’t been any one big news item lately but I suppose there are a few little things I could compile into one entry. So, in rough chronological order: I was at BlockBuster on July 14th and saw Chaos Theory in the bargain bin. I thought it would probably be worth $9.98 and so I ...